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Agriculture Education Pathway

Ag Mechanics and HorticultureMr. Bert Beasley

The Agriculture Mechanics and Technology for the Workplace 1 course is designed as an introductory course to the Agriculture Mechanics Career Pathway. Typical instructional activities include hands-on experiences in woodworking, metal working; welding, small engine repair, basic farm and homestead improvements, participating in personal and community leadership development activities, planning and implementing a relevant school-to-work transition experience, and participating in FFA activities. The Level 2 Course is a combination of subject matter and activities is designed to teach technical knowledge and skills for entry-level positions in selling, selecting, and servicing agribusiness technical equipment and facilities, including computers, specialized software, power units, machinery equipment, structures and utilities.

Horticulture for the Workplace I includes organized subject matter and practical experiences related to the culture of plants used principally for ornamental or aesthetic purposes. Instruction emphasizes knowledge and understanding of the importance of establishing, maintaining, and managing ornamental horticulture enterprises. The Level 2 Course designed for programs involved in the Horticulture Career Pathway. The course is a combination of subject matter and planned learning experiences on the principles involved in the related to the culture of plants used principally for ornamental or aesthetic purposes. Instruction emphasizes knowledge and understanding of the importance of establishing, maintaining, and managing ornamental horticulture enterprises.

Other Links:
Agriculture Education Pathway Information at SCDE
South Carolina Agricultural Education